Moms’ Support Group

Mom’s Support Group is an opportunity to meet with other young moms and share problems, concerns, and successes. It is an opportunity to develop friendships and meet new people. It is a chance to discuss topics of interest to young moms. It is a break from the routine and a chance to share time with friends that understand about your children. It is a place to receive material resources, experienced advice, and encouragement for the struggles of parenthood. It is an opportunity to improve your parenting skills while enjoying yourself. Mom’s Support Group meets Thursdays from 6:00 to 8:00 pm.
A Few Moms Share What Group Has Meant
“Group has helped me to be a better mother by helping me to make better choices 4 my family and be a stronger person altogether.”
~ D.B.
“I am 19 years old. I started going to the pregnancy center when I found out I was pregnant with my son. He is now 2 years old. Being a first-time mother was hard. … if you need assistance try Open Arms Pregnancy Center because they helped me, and I’m sure they can help you too!”
~ N.B.
“Well, the pregnancy center helped me out while my kids were preemies to when my youngest is 3yrs old. I got clothes and needs meet through the center when money was tight and the support groups helped me connect with girls with the same child issues. So ya, the center helped me through three kids.”
~ R.S.
“Group has been very helpful not only with getting the things I need for both my babies but also with emotional support during hard times.”
~ A.B.
Who is Eligible?
If you are pregnant or have a child under 3 and would like to check it out for yourself, you are invited to join us Thursdays from 6:00 to 8:00 pm.
Sounds great, but what if I’m not eligible?
Head on over to the getting involved section of the site, because you’re probably one of those collaborators or fans who can help out in other ways. Help spread the word through your social media. The sky’s the limit when you let loose your imagination!