We are open in Augusta Monday through Friday from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm and have several different programs. We offer free pregnancy tests and information about your options. We have free ultrasounds and prenatal care. We offer Emergency Assistance with maternity and baby clothes. A Mom’s Support Group meets on Thursday evenings. We are available during regular office hours to talk individually and confidentially if desired. We have a post-abortion recovery program.
We use a standard urine pregnancy test that will be done by the client in our office. At the time of the test, all issues, problems, or fears about the situation that the client wishes to talk about are open for discussion. We can help you explore your options and refer you to helpful programs. Various brochures and resources are available.
For the woman with a positive pregnancy test, we offer a free ultrasound, particularly if she is between 6 and 14 weeks pregnant. Ultrasounds at later weeks may be available with approval. Anyone wanting an ultrasound will need to call to schedule in advance.

We have a lot of material resources available, including new and used maternity and baby clothes, diapers, formula, new and used baby bedding, and various baby accessories. Our material resources are available to women who are pregnant or who are parenting a child age two or under. We offer material assistance and some services to single fathers as well, especially if they have primary custody. We would like to expand our program to include groups for Dads.
Emergency Assistance is a one-time-only chance to pick either four maternity outfits or four baby outfits, 20 diapers, and baby accessories such as used onesies, sleepers, socks, and other items. Sometimes life situations cause problems and we are glad to be able to offer a substantial donation during that time of need.

For women with an ongoing need, we encourage them to attend our Mom’s Support Group and receive Mommy Money. Women who attend Group will receive one Mommy Money each time they attend, just for participating. New items become available to those with Mommy Money, and they become eligible to receive additional Mommy Moneys in various ways, such as by reading books on pregnancy or parenting, or by bringing an eligible friend to Group. Mommy Money can be exchanged for a new outfit for the mother or the baby, for two used baby outfits, for 20 diapers, or for new or used baby items of various prices. Moms can save their Mommy Money until they have enough to purchase larger items. Support Group meets Thursday evenings from 6:00 to 8:00 in our office.
If you have questions about any of these resources or any of our policies, you can call us at 207-620-1600.